
Also From Ohio Comes The Following Review Of THE ECHOES' New CD
Dear Echoes,
What am I going to do with you guys? I open up this CD, sit down and mellow out, hit play and then got blown to bits! You did a great job there, you Echoes you, and have a disc with many highlights. One of my favorites is "Stained" where your voices blend so very well together. The vibe of the album is mystical and haunting and, although it's reminicent of the 60's, it's more of that 70's rock sound to me... you know, the sound before disco came. For a brief time, 70's rock was good and you've recaptured that small window. "Take Me As I Am" and "I Was Dreaming 'Bout A Woman" have been going through my head ever since the second time I heard the disc. Besides Teresa's voice sounding strong, I was impressed by the harmonica... and was that a dobro on "If I Could Take You Away?" Wow, what a vibe you've stirred on plastic and in my own heart! To have all of the elements of accordion, dobro and the likes with that haunting, nostalgic feel is just incredible. I would be very, very proud parents of this "bad boy" guys. This is, without a doubt, your strongest to date, instrumentaly sound, and just and pure in nature and intent. The way that you've incorporated things like banjo and metal guitar is unique and, as far as I know, it's never been done.
You both provide great vocals to the cutting and sometimes choppy guitar work. The bass lines run well with the drummer and provide a solid and powerful rhythm section--especially when Mark gets down and lays down licks. I hate to compare songs, but I had a firm indentation lain across my head the first time I heard "Troubled World" in that it felt like two of my favorite licks were combined like peanut butter in my chocolate. It almost seemed like Jethro Tull's "Aqualung" and the Moody Blues' "I'm Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band" met and transcribed a totally new and better lick and you guys jammed the living snot right out of it! I'm not saying "Troubled World" sounds like them, but rather lets off a similiar vibe in my heartstrings. Following it with "If I Could Take You Away" was perfect and, although that song is much mellower, I was still hanging on to "Troubled World;" but, as I allowed it to be a transitional step, the new song captured my senses. Teresa's voice dominates a wonderful tune here and, accentuated by Mark's "below bass" voice, took me to a brilliant world and left me with the memories of a time when I had the energy and passion to take someone away.
You Echoes have done incredible work throughout and the sound is so very well balanced. Everyone knows that it takes more than a couple of good songs to make a good disc. Although this album's song list is a strong one, it's supported by a great balance and overall sound. I don't know how you got some of the sounds, but at the beginning of the album it sounds like you were running things through a Leslie cabinet and achieved that "coughing" effect that it brings. It's not always the right way to go but, if that is what was done, you used it wisely! "Prove You Love Me" is yet another strong song that almost convinces me that I was the second gunman at the grassy knoll on November 22, 1963... purely because of the urgency (or did i say that already)? I just love the blend of electric/acoustic with that voice. Teresa, oh, Teresa, why do you visually take me places that I haven't been for quite some time or maybe a place I thought I already was? And you, Mark, most definitely you belong in long robes as you write and discuss a lifetime of expression and joy in this music/Echoes' music. When Clapton plays, he gets choppy to prove a point--and you do the same thing, but for totally different reasons. Your solos are biting and cutting to the bone and, as you drop ol' "Steamboat Willie's" boat back into the water, you take no prisoners... be it someone to emulate you or hang as a barnacle. Much like the Bible, this disc dances and trades and supports it's own self in and throughout. The packaging and the concerted effort to have all of the words printed is a wonderful addition. The artwork and color photographs are done so beautifully. Without a deliberate action, you have touched me in a couple of dozen different ways. In essence, this is a fine disc. Thanks for "getting 'er done!"
Ohio Buckeye
Across The Country From Nebraska Comes The Following ECHO-OFFERING:
Dear Echoes:
When we wrote you telling you how much we loved your music, you took the time to write us back & personally thank us. There are few bands in this day & age that would take time out to respond to a fan letter. From that moment we were hooked. When we had heard you released a CD, we bought it in record time. I remember opening it up to play it to find it Autographed !!! You remembered our letter to you. How appropriate seeing the title "Listen Up"... We did just that. Not only was the music excellent, some songs were very moving. There are not enough o's in smooth to describe Teresa's voice & Mark's musicianship is remarkable -- great work. You're definitely not just another band with "original" material. This is Rock & Roll with Heart & Soul. If you have a chance, check out the Echoes -- If you don't enjoy an Echoes performance, you don't like good music or you're dead !!!
Echofans from Nebraska
Simultaneously REVIEWING Both ECHOES' CDs On Amazon.com, JOKERMAN1983 Had This To Say:
The Echoes are a fun group, not necessarily good-time music, but fun in their sense of wit and wordplay, catchy rhythms, and melody-lines. Dylanesque at times, their professed love of Lennon is evident, as are the CSN-style harmonies and Neil Young-inspired guitar breaks. For me, 1980's acts Scandal and Lone Justice come to mind with their punky attitude and alternate take on country rock. "Wish There Was Somethin' To Say," from The Echoes' first album "Listen Up," stands right alongside Scandal's "Goodbye To You" and singer Teresa Starr's vocals rank right up there with Maria McKee's in both purity and sincerity. A Byrds-like sound is also achieved in "Listen Up" tracks "If I Do" and "When The Love," with their jangly rhythm guitars, and on select cuts, The Echoes' call-and-response vocals are reminiscent of a Band or early Smithereens approach.
Songwriter Mark Alexander displays a mastery of his craft on mellower numbers "More Than Ever" and "I Was Dreaming 'Bout A Woman" while reaching for the stars with "Dreamer" or "Take Me As I Am." Yet, the group rocks out with heavy-hitters such as "I Couldn't Stand" and "Troubled World" on their second release "Now Hear This," achieving an amazing amount of sound (from what appears to be a limited number of instruments) on "Love Never Dies" and "Long As The Grass Is Growing." Such minimalism is most obvious on "Listen Up" with the Beatle-ish "After So Long, Goodbye" and "Starlight" utilizing only a twelve-string guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, harmonica, and Starr's luscious vocal stylings. To compare the male-female vocal trade-offs to Sonny and Cher is ludicrous and yet, as with Bono's productions (and that's Sonny Bono, not the U2 crooner who so aptly moans his emotions when all words fail him) there is a detectable Phil Spector influence in the layered build up of verses neatly saturated by a warm echo... hence, the group's name!
Whether a modern day garage band or perpetuators of the underground sound, The Echoes harken back to a better time, paying their respects to classic rock and other genres which seem to have been forgotten in this day of "American Idol" and "Star Search." Not yet Top 40, and possibly never cracking that market, they impress me with their ability and the quality of material consistent on both "Listen Up... It's The Echoes" (2005) and "Now Hear This" (2007). My only question is what will they do next?
Posted By The AMERICAN MUSIC REVIEWER Of Music City, USA Comes The Following REVIEW Of
The Mamas & Papas, the Jefferson Airplane, the Great Speckled Bird, Fleetwood Mac, the B-52's, X, the list goes on an on: groups fronted by both a male and female vocalist or vocalists. The Echoes are no exception in continuing this grand tradition... only the Echoes quite often offer a little something extra regarding ability and playability.
As both musicians and wordsmiths, the group easily contend with many of the greats: providing melodies and messages akin to The Beatles circa "Rubber Soul" or "Revolver" or Mac during their self-titled LP or "Rumours" period. I can easily envision Echoes' frontwoman Starr singing either Christine McVie's or Stevie Nicks' parts effortlessly on some tribute CD. However, it's the Echoes who should be having tribute paid to them in this case!
As far as playability goes, the group presents a completely listenable CD from start to finish. The thing that drives it home or sends it into the pocket is the fact that it all sounds so sincere and from the heart. There's a song called "The Angry American" by Toby Keith that provides an "American" feel whenever I hear it. I get that same feeling when I listen to "Now Hear This." It's not that this disc can be narrowed down to one favored song... rather it's a vibe that radiates throughout the entire album just like the "Rubber Soul / Revolver" thing.
Playful at times, introspective at others, "Now Hear This" by the Echoes most definitely redefines and refurbishes rock & roll at a time when it appears to be either dead or dying. Suitable for any age, "NHT" is a must-hear for any true music fan. To quote the Who, "Long Live Rock"... and, lately I feel, the Echoes are the main ones waving the banner!
ECHOFAN Eli Josephs of New York Left The Following REVIEW On Amazon.com:
(Which Includes A Brief OVERVIEW Of The Early ECHOYEARS)
I guess I'm among the privileged few to say I was aware of The Echoes long before most people. I caught them at a Turning Point show in Piermont, New York during the fall of 2000, then saw them at both the Sun Music Company in lower Manhattan and High Street Road House in Rye, New York around 2001. It was at a 2001 Orange Bear appearance in Tribecca that I picked up a three-song EP CD of the group titled "The Echoes Sound Off." While, granted, it was early Echoes, I thought to myself, "This is a group that's going to be something!"
The next time I'd meet up with my new favorite act was at the Gallery in Ossining, New York circa 2002. Then, as they began to travel more for their music, I wasn't aware of them again 'til a friend told me he'd seen them at the C-Note in Alphabet City spring 2004. I managed to catch them live on the net when they played C.B.G.B.'s that fall--my belief still firm that this was a group that was going to be something. Well...
With the release of "Listen Up, It's The Echoes," I know this is a group that's going to be something! It's time to wake up, America, The Echoes have arrived!
Now if you'll bear with me, I'd like to offer a track-by-track analysis of some truly great material:
(1) "If I Do"--a good, solid rocker! How many times have I seen them raze the roof with this one?
(2) "Never Wanna Let You Go"--a new one for me, and a pure delight with its guitar work and Beatle-esque tune!
(3) "More Than Ever"--a beautiful song with meaningful words. A very nice reworking of a song off the aforementioned "Sound Off."
(4) "Leaves"--the first time I heard this, my jaw dropped, as did every member's of the audience. After a 9/11 Benefit The Echoes played, I've never been able to listen to this song the same way again.
(5) "Love Never Dies"--a really great one to hear Mark play live! (which I'm proud to say I've done several times)
(6) "Wasting Our Lives"--believe it or not, I actually heard them open a set with this one, following it with a moving duet of Johnny Cash's "I Still Miss Someone?"
(7) "Cross Between The Two"--a nice acoustic-based number. Reminds me of early Byrds!
(8) "Dreamer"--what can I say? To quote a reviewer below me, "Hearing really is believing!"
(9) "Starlight"--another new one for me, and a very nice, new direction for the group to take.
(10) "Need A Little Romance"--one I vaguely remember hearing and loving way back when. Don't we all need a little romance?
(11) "When The Love"--okay... let me say, "Wow, what great slide guitar work," and follow that with a note that this one reminds me of my parents. (and so many parents out there) Wonderfully long guitar solo at the end. Five stars for this song alone!
(12) "All That's On My Mind"--I never heard this one before, but a friend claims The Echoes did it at both Downtime and the Baggott Inn? Very interesting.
(13) "Wish There Was Something To Say"--a cross between college radio and country rock? Great guitar and keyboard tradeoffs. (and who doesn't love hearing that harmonica bit at the end?)
(14) "From A To Z"--yet another new one for me with a beautiful guitar lick.
(15) "After So Long, Goodbye"--pure Beatles with a Wilburys finish of slide guitar duetting with the harmonica.
I really can't say much more besides there aren't enough stars in the heavens to give this group's first full-length CD. Listen up, America, The Echoes have arrived!

ALSO From Amazon.com Comes This REVIEW By ECHOFAN John Robert Harrison:
"Listen Up... It's The Echoes." When I originally ordered this CD, it was with reservations since I didn't believe it could be as good as everyone's been saying, my having done some comparison shopping between sites and having read various customer reviews. While not being the sort to readily admit I'm wrong, I have to say that this disc exceeds all expectations and is easily one of the best CDs I've heard in ages! The songs are both well-produced and executed, the performances are simultaneously energetic yet professional, and the vocals and melodies seem to linger in my mind for days after each listen. The lead singer has a very pure and sincere approach to her craft. The musicians clearly work well together and enjoy what they're doing. While some of the songs have a bit of a sixties sound, it hardly dates them or makes this seem like an oldies or retro act. Rather, it strengthens them in their presentation since this is clearly a band who knows what they're doing, how to do it, and where they want to go! I especially like the rockier numbers such as "If I Do," "Love Never Dies," and "Wish There Was Something To Say," but found the Beatlesque quality of tunes like "Never Wanna Let You Go" and "After So Long, Goodbye" to be infectious in the best sense of the word. The evident craftsmanship and insight displayed in the songs "More Than Ever" and "Leaves," and to some extent "Cross Between The Two" and "Dreamer," shows the emergence of a very gifted songwriter from within this group. Numbers like "Starlight" and "When The Love," with their respective electric twelve-string and slide guitars a la the Byrds or Allman Brothers / Lynyrd Skynyrd, left me longing for more. While "Listen Up... It's The Echoes" will be a hard CD to follow-up, I have a feeling that if anyone can, The Echoes can! Highly recommended.

The Next REVIEW Was Left On CD Baby.com By An Unknown ECHOFAN Who Simply Goes By RESONATOR (An Interesting Name To Say The Least):
Oh, to hear real music again! And just when I thought Beethoven was lucky to have lost his hearing? THE ECHOES are what rock & roll's all about... and how! From the opening guitar riff to the closing drum crash, these guys know what they're doing: fifteen songs that, on a debut CD, sound like a "GREATEST HITS" compilation already (yes, they're that good)! Their words, their music, what they say, how they play... it's almost too good to be true. Whether you're eight years old or a hundred and eight, there ought to be something on this CD for you (and who else can you say that about besides a group like THE BEATLES)? We sure could stand to have more groups like this around; and I sure can't wait to hear what THE ECHOES are going to dish out next. Meanwhile... I guess I'll just have to keep on "LISTENING UP..." Thank God, THE ECHOES have arrived!
This ECHOREVIEW Was Left On The TOWER RECORDS Website By ECHOFAN Terry Jamison Of Massachussetts:
This CD is SWEET! Like a vintage bottle of wine, it opens beautifully and finishes smoothly. And what a ride it takes you on in between! From booming basses and driving drums to cascading keyboards, gutsy guitars and mournful harmonicas, it culminates into velvety-smooth lead vocals and hauntingly-hummable harmonies. The production is outstanding: a no-nonsense, back-to-the-basics, band in the studio (a la The Beatles aborted GET BACK project)! I caught this act when they played the northeast and have loved them ever since. FIVE STARS for each member of THE ECHOES for his or her part in this project!
The Following THANK YOU Was Received Shortly After THE ECHOES Played A BENEFIT Concert For WILDLIFE RESCUE & REHABILITATION:
Dear Echoes,
How could we ever forget you and your wonderful gift of "singing for us!" May your life be as full of peace and happiness as what you gave our charges and those of us who care for them.
Voice for the Animals
Kentucky natives, The Echoes, returned to their homestate Columbus Day weekend to perform at the 29th annual Aurora Fall Festival. From rocked-up bluegrass and country numbers to their more traditional classic, folk and Southern rock, the group truly played (as promised) something for everyone! Highlights included hits from past and present CDs, as well as several songs from their upcoming release(s). We at the 2006 Aurora Fall Festival would just like to thank the group for all they did, and to agree with other Echoes reviewers that it's time for the rest of the world to begin listening up!
READ Other ECHOREVIEWS On AllMusic.com / the "All Media Guide," Amazon.com, CD Baby, The ECHONEWS Page & Other ECHOLOCATIONS Or Feel Free To
Your Own ECHOES Art, RESPONSES, Or REVIEWS By ECHOMAIL & Maybe You'll Find Your Own ECHONOTE Posted Here !!!
THANK YOU To Steve, Eli, John Robert, Terry, & ALL Of The Other ECHOFANS Out There Who REMEMBER To